Wilatooling.com - Your source for boosting press brake productivity

Wilatooling.com - Your source for boosting press brake productivity. More products, more features and more resources to grow your sheet metal bending business.

Wilatooling.com - Your source for boosting press brake productivity. More products, more features and more resources to grow your sheet metal bending business.

With the introduction of wilatooling.com, we are even more focused on Smart industry. A new basis for further growth and development to better provide our customers with solutions. Complete experience of website, webshop, tooldesign, knowledge sharing, everything in 1 place!

With our new website you can:

Create your own special tools

Our custom Tool Advisor allows you to tailor any existing tool to your specific needs. Machine specifications and current tooling inventory can be taken into account. Customized tools can be ordered immediately.

Easily place (repeat) orders

Wilatooling.com offers everything in one place. Browse all product information using filter options to narrow down your search. View and compare all features and – when logged in – check prices and order history, before simply placing your order by clicking the button.

Access all WILA resources

Check our Knowledge & Innovation section, technical background articles and WILA Academy pages and find out everything you ever wanted to know about growing your sheet metal bending business.

Grow your business with WILA

Sheet metal bending is changing. How do you deal with ever more product variants, smaller batch sizes and shorter delivery times? Enter the Smart Factory, in which digital connectivity is key.

WILA Smart Tooling solutions will make your people, machines, automation and software work together seamlessly, allowing you to make a profit on any order, large or small.