Tool shape

A press brake tool with a lot of bending freedom is very versatile. This results in fewer tool changes and you need to stock fewer tools. What are the options and what should you consider when choosing a tool shape?

Bending freedom

With multiple bends in the same plane, there is a risk of the sheet coming into contact with the press brake, Tool Holder or punch. The shape of the punch can then be the limiting factor. If one of the bends is in the opposite direction, then it could be the die that gets in the way.

The tool height also affects the bending freedom. More about tool height can be found here.


WILA dies have a slim design for maximum bending freedom and nevertheless have a long service life and high maximum load capacity. If desired, you can further reduce the die width on one or both sides in the WILA Tool Advisor.


A punch with a large gooseneck offers the most bending freedom and is widely applicable. However, due to the large tip angle it is not possible to bend sharp angles with a large gooseneck. The maximum load capacity is also lower than with a small gooseneck or straight tool shape.

Does a standard punch not offer enough bending freedom? In the WILA Tool Advisor you can adjust features such as the gooseneck size to your liking and order directly online.

Tool machining

The complexity of sheet metal products means that sometimes part of the tooling gets in the way. The temptation is then great to machine the tool yourself to create bending freedom. However, this does affect the maximum load capacity and often also the hardness and thus the wear resistance of the tool. Reworking of tools is at your own risk. WILA therefore recommends contacting one of our experts to discuss the possibilities of a customized tool.


Choose a punch with a gooseneck for the most flexibility. The larger the gooseneck, the more bending freedom. This does come at the expense of maximum load capacity. Do you want to be able to bend different angles with the same punch? Then choose a 28° point angle and a small gooseneck. A straight shape has the least bending freedom, but the highest load capacity.

For detailed advice, use bend simulation software and the WILA Tool Advisor. With the WILA Tool Advisor you analyze a critical bend and can adjust the shape of a standard tool. You immediately see the consequences for the load capacity and can order the modified tool directly online. Are the capabilities of the Tool Advisor not enough? Then contact one of our experts.

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